Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Welcome to the Daouhaus: A Conversation with Vanessa Daou, by Collin Kelley

Coming off the success of her latest album, Joe Sent Me, Twisted Records has just released a compilation called Daouhaus: The Classic Remixes. Seven of Tenaglia's reinventions are here, alongside deep grooves by David Morales, Olive and Mood II Swing. The album opens with the 1992, fourteen-minute opus that is "Surrender Yourself," which rocketed to the top of the Billboard Dance chart and heralded a new direction for club music, bringing it from the underground to the mainstream."
Read full interview by poet/novelist Collin Kelley at Soldout
Thursday, December 10, 2009
'Conquering Venus' by Collin Kelley

Thursday, December 03, 2009
The 4th issue of Ouroboros Review

A highlight is Collin Kelley's engrossing interview with Cecilia Wolloch who discusses her life, influences, and her new work 'Carpathia' -
Each poem is an essential read. I'm loving Michelle McGrane's language-lovely poem 'Augusta Fabergé' [p44] & very much looking forward to her 3rd collection of poetry 'The Suitable Girl', published by Pindrop Press in 2010.
If you missed issue 3, take time to soak in every word of Michelle's interview with John Siddique. When you reach the part when he says "The Basic act of writing for me is an act of Love", pause, revel, reflect, read on...
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Etienne Daho: The Invitation
Etienne Daho is a voice drenched in the sensual, engulfed by a Poet's truth and fueled by Love's fire. 'L'invitation', his latest album, speaks to every heart that is drawn to the equally destructive and seductive flame of Desire.
With a profound understanding of Desire's manifold facets, Daho puts into words and sings about its many intangible flickers: pleasure and pain, power and surrender, a simultaneous loss and discovery of self, the beauty as well as the bruising of ones manifold illusions. Daho explores the many subtle angles and sharp edges of Eros - self-doubt, self-destruction, self-sacrifice - and invites us to join him on his journey of Love and Desire through his Music and Poetry. Do we dare follow...?
I've translated 'L'Invitation' below.....
The Invitation
Ah I burn I burn, your tentacles trapping me from the depths of Hell
giving me the cruel sensation of walking barefoot on glass.
The goodness of your hand, generous and perfect,
beckons me to come, giving me the sweet feeling
of being alive again, invited, invited.
At the table of the guests where one lives until one dies
from those things that satiate, you invite me to take my place
to divide the honey of the honors of your heart.
Willingly I accept the best treatment that is reserved exclusively
for the guests at the naked feast, which makes the tongues
of the evening come untied.
Oh now I burn I burn to taste all these dizzying nectars,
whose black and crimson poison make the blood of lovers beat indecently.
Your confident kiss calls me to another adored destiny,
giving me the sweet feeling of being alive again, invited, invited.
What can I do, I want to share the volatile liquors
at the table of poets, of assassins, all like me, invited here.
Willingly I accept the best treatment that is reserved exclusively
for the guests at the naked feast, which makes the tongues
of the evening come untied.
Ah je brûle je brûle, les tentacules m'attrapant du fond des enfers
me donnent la cruelle sensation de marcher pieds nus sur du verre.
La bonté de ta main généreuse et parfaite qui me fait signe d'avancer,
me donne l'aimable sensation d'être à la vie de nouveau convié, convié.
A la table des convives, convives
Qu'on vive jusqu'à ce que repu l'on en meurt.
Tu m'invites à prendre ma place à partager le miel des honneurs de ton coeur.
Volontiers j'accepte le meilleur traitement
Que l'on réserve tout exclusivement
Aux invités le festin nu, qui fait les langues au soir se délier, se délier yeah
Oh je brûle je brûle de goûter à présent à tous ces nectars affolants,
dont le poison noir et pourpre fait battre indécent le sang des amants.
Ton baiser confiant m'appelle à tout autre destin adoré,
me donne l'aimable sensation d'être à la vie de nouveau convié, convié.
Convié yeah
A qu'y puis à qu'y puis je, la liqueur volatile je veux toute la partager,
à la table des poètes, des assassins, tout comme moi ici conviés.
Volontiers j'accepte le meilleur traitement
Que l'on réserve tout exclusivement
Aux invités le festin nu, qui fait les langues au soir se délier, se délier yeah
yeah yeah yeah...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Horrible fact of Human Trafficking

The heartbreaking reality of most suffering is that it occurs in silence, behind the closed doors of our neighbors, co-workers, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers. The horrible fact of human trafficking is that its victims are the most vulnerable amongst us. They become nameless statistics: faceless, voiceless, shocked into their new caged-in realities of unspeakable shame and horror, swept aside by the twin tides of silence and denial.
A few years ago, I saw the this photograph which - as great photographs do - illuminates a reality that would otherwise remain hidden from view. The purpose of Art, Poetry, Literature, Drama, is to lift the veil, peel away the layers, gnaw at the bone of truth so that the terrible as well as beautiful mysteries of existence can be gleaned and confronted, if not ever fully understood.
News reports on the terrible toll of human slavery should be commonplace, not sporadic. These websites provide updated information as well as personal accounts. Bookmark them, add them to your feeds, and contribute in any way you can:
BBC Special Report on Human Slavery
CNN News & Videos About Human Trafficking
PBS Photo Essay: Confronting the Problem of Human Suffering
Human Trafficking.org
The National Human Trafficking Resource Center
UNODC - Human Trafficking
The Campaign to Rescue & Restore Victims of Human Trafficking
Could X-ray scanners work on the street?
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
High School Halloween, Music & Memory

"Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river
You can hear the boats go by
You can spend the night beside her
And you know, she's half crazy
It's why you want to be there..."
Leonard Cohen, from "Suzanne"
This year, Halloween triggered my memory of this yearbook photo from 11th grade which many of you viewed on Facebook (thanks to all for your insights, witticisms & ruminations)
I've always believed that we all hold inside of us, from an early age, the seeds of our eventual 'grown up' selves. Although I didn't intentionally set out to become a singer or songwriter, when I reflect on my past, there's the impression of a clear trajectory that led me to that career decision.
Many would argue that being an artist is something that is somehow programmed inside, that true artists do not choose their paths, that it is their fate or kismet that chooses them. But it can also be argued that, for some, there comes a time to decide, a crossroads. Andy Warhol began his career in magazine illustration and advertising. Robert Motherwell studied Philosophy before he changed direction and rigorously pursued Painting.
While I was at Vassar, I was declaring a major in Aesthetics until I transferred to Barnard/Columbia and declared a double major in Art History/Studio Art. It wasn't until my senior year when I studied Poetry with Kenneth Koch that I realized I had reached that crossroads.
I've always perceived of this monumental moment as metaphorically akin to the moment when Alice picks up the bottle and reads 'DRINK ME', and after confirming that it is not marked 'poison', swallows the otherwise unmarked liquid. Her decision, while not well-informed, is not precipitous. That decision to follow the untrammeled road and become an Artist is fundamentally based on that need to do as Alice did, follow her inner need to open the door into the enchanting and mysterious adventure and explore the sometimes treacherous new terrain, come what may.
It was during this time in High School that I began discovering & devouring music that was tapping into me on all levels of Poetry, intellect & emotion: Leonard Cohen, The Ramones, Blondie, Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, Janis Ian, Joan Armatrading, The Go Gos, The B-52s, Pink Floyd, The Police. Soon after, I would discover Francoise Hardy, Julie London, Juliette Greco, Nico & The Velvet Underground.
My good friend, pictured above in the photo, was as much of a music hound as I was. I haven't asked her yet if she remembers that particular night of Rock 'n Roll debauchery... Halloween & Rock 'n Roll share a similar ethos: to find trouble where you can & head into that place which is at once thrilling & frightening. Everyone at some point in their lives plants the seed of who they are to become. For me, that moment is captured here, in this photo.
The Artist is all things: creator, witness, inventor, storyteller, gift giver, shaman, seducer, rule-breaker, Philosopher, thief, magician, myth-maker, bellwether With instinct as much your guide as intelligence, the Artist chooses to follow that unruly path of most resistance, hypnotized by that the ever-present temptation to metaphorically drink that mysterious, unknown & tantalizing essence.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Collin Kelley, Storybook Burlesque, The Concretes
Youve been starring in my dreams"
The Rolling Stones, from "Miss You"
I love this cover of 'Miss You' by The Concretes - played by the 'Storybook Burlesque' during one of their lovely & voracious performances on Sunday night at The Tank, NYC -
Novelist, poet and playwright Collin Kelley read portions from his much lauded new book 'Conquering Venus', which he lovingly signed - i'm eager to begin reading it...
iPhotos from event coming soon -
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Announcing the Release of Daouhaus: The Classic Remixes
Monday, October 12, 2009
google: rare obsolete words
psychomachy, conflict between the body and the soul
Eleutherommania, manic desire for freedom
Facetiae, term for books of inappropriate or lewd nature
Tuberous, yielding an abundance of milk
Otherguess, an old word for different
Reserate, an old-time word for unlock or open
Fabulist, one who invents fables
Ucalegon, neighbor whose house is on fire
Alectryomachy, cock fighting
Ailurophilia, love of cats
Chasmophilous, fond of nooks, crevices and crannies
Gynorikolobomassophile, one who nibbles on women's earlobes
Hydrophilous, loving or preferring water
Scopophilia, obtaining sexual pleasure from seeing things
Clinophilia, passion for beds
"etienne daho présente...." | A selection of songs selected and compiled by Etienne Daho with: Peter Doherty, Antsy Pants, The Last Shadow Puppets...
etienne daho présente....
A selection of songs selected and compiled by Etienne Daho with: Peter Doherty, Antsy Pants, The Last Shadow Puppets, Vanessa Daou, The Wave Pictures, Jeremy Jay, Goodbye Simone, Jeffrey Lewis, Pacific! , Girls, Music Go Music, Dirty Fields, Coming Soon, Stilts Hook, Howard Hughes, Mr. Ward, Violens, Sin FAng Boil, Brisa Rock, Phoenix.
etienne daho présente @ Fnac
Daou Records
Friday, September 18, 2009
Essential Poetry: Collin Kelley - Meeting Jeanne Moreau
Music that moves me: Little Dragon - 'Twice'
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
"Hurricanes": Part III 'JOE SENT MDE' at MCCC
Part III: "Joe Sent M.D.E." at Mercer County Community College - "Hurricnaes" from Elixir Productions Theatre Co. on Vimeo & YouTube
Soon life's knowing will come.
it will dust the mind like talcum.
Meanwhile, everyone will dream
at least once
of times they tried to run.
but their legs got stuck
in the ambivalence of love's mud,
in the imagination's straining.
Our days are drenched by hurricanes
entering sideways in our minds
with no warning.
It's gray where the thinking thinks,
where the radar blinks.
It's the surge of you
that burns me crimson.
I am asleep, asleep all day,
blood running,
an accident of treason.
((My mother was the one
who laughed from other rooms
while I cried, the division between us
multiplied a thousand times))
You say (and I quote) Don't do the math
(end of quote), italics mine.
(Quote again) just come here (end quote).
So what if I do? I go nowhere with you,
and everywhere.
I am subsonic, plutonic, woebegone,
forlorn, language forgotten, towel shared.
I am scared, scarred, scarlet letter 'A',
hermit, Hamlet, tragic, victorious.
I am soldier, souvenir, medal of honor
attached to your pocket. I am intrinsic,
entropic, order, chaotic,.
limited to this word
I have just finished,.
conception of the infinite.
Masculine, feminine, everything is division;
days, dollars, mortgage rates,
bequeathed estates.
Leave me with nothing
more than your essence.
Invisible lover, indivisible number,
only then will I remember,
remember with my lack of logic.
With you I am myth maker, glass breaker,
soul taker, hip shaker. I am techtonic,
ironic, sardonic. With you I am purified,
pornographic, protean, prolific;
for you I am problematic,
acrobatic. Yes, like I said,
every crevice that cracks in me
I spread for you since that first night.
in my bed when the flash of my life.
turned your blue eyes red.
And so the story always goes
ending before the author knows.
Our days are drenched by hurricanes
entering sideways in our minds
with no warning.
© 2007 Vanessa Daou
Joe Sent MDE website
Joe Sent Me-poetry
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
'Joe Sent Me': Review on PopMatters

Read full review by Imran Khan on PopMatters

Saturday, September 05, 2009
Anji Bee's Chillcast #178: Classic Chillout

The lovely Anji Bee writes:
"I was torn between titling this one "Classic Chillout," "Classic Chillcast," or "Lovely Ladies." Today's show is exactly that, a classic Chillcast mix of lovely chillout tunes with Internationally diverse female vocals. My favorite! I've had quite a few high quality trance tracks sent in recently, but this week I was really in more of a mellow mood so what we’ve got here is a nice collection of downtempo, lounge, worldbeat, r&b, and one little drum & bass tune for good measure. Enjoy, baby!"
Link to Anji Bee
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Artist of the Week | Anji Bee 5/09

Link to Anji Bee
Zipless/Vanessa Daou
Read original blog post at Classics Rock
Monday, August 03, 2009
1-900-SELFPLEX @ the New York International Fringe Festival

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Interview with GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloé Jo Berman
"We were introduced to gorgeous Vanessa Daou via her Zipless, her seminal 1994 record. Zipless, a sexually-charged, feminist collection of pieces inspired by the work of her husband Peter’s aunt, the poet/novelist Erica Jong, has been touted as the ultimate sex record. world-over. In fact, we think it (much like kombucha, good red wine, or a little smoke-age) is a serious aphrodisiac - download it on itunes asap. Or at the very least watch the video for the single "Near The Black Forest."
Vanessa's early underground success brought her to the attention of Columbia Records/Sony which signed her to a seven album record deal in 1992. Together with her then musical partner, producer and husband, Peter Daou, on piano, the pair recorded as THE DAOU and released their debut album, HEAD MUSIC in 1992.
In 1994, the duo decided to launch Vanessa as a solo artist with Peter as co-writer, producer and arranger. Vanessa's newest record Joe Sent Me is another foray into the breathy, transcendental plane of Daou's endlessly sexy voice, brilliant mind, and sophisticated beats. Plus, the gal is no dummy; as a Visual Arts and Art History major at Columbia University, Vanessa has always approached her art as a synthesis of sight and sound, written word and song. The Windy City Times writes: "Electronica, smooth jazz, drum-and-bass, poet, chanteuse, painter. Vanessa Daou is one artist who thrives on not being pigeonholed."GirlieGirl Army Founder Chloé Jo Berman recently had a quick chat with the glamorous chanteuse about her music, green living, and what she simply cannot go without."

Wednesday, July 08, 2009
"The Hook" Part II "Joe Sent M.D.E." at Mercer County Community College
Part II: "Joe Sent M.D.E." at Mercer County Community College - "The Hook" from Elixir Productions Theatre Co. on Vimeo.
before we knew each other's names,
long after all the pain had come.
Imagine the shock of a fish
when the hook finds its mouth
Then the sigh it heaves
When it shakes it out
Our first kiss was like this
And there's the hook
I used to swin wild and free
but like a lazy cod I took the bait
Now I'm like a shark in the dark
I never close my eyes anymore
I twisted like an unruly marlin
so I'd love you this madly.
I knew just how the story would end
and I'd miss you this badly
And in the end I'd do it again
And there's the hook
© 2007 Vanessa Daou
Joe Sent MDE website
Joe Sent Me-poetry
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Joe Sent MDE & The Hidden Language of the Body
Dance is language expressed by the body.
On 'Joe Sent Me', I set out to explore the hidden potential in poetry, the nuances of breath, recollection, regret, hesitation, the illicit, the many shades of meaning of Jazz and its secret coded language locked in its Prohibition-era inchoateness.
In 'Joe Sent MDE', choreographers Janell Byrne and Jody Person explore a myriad of physical as well as verbal murmurings, facial gestures and hieroglyphic movements that combine the contemporary with the historical to convey meaning. One aspect of Joe Sent MDE that resonates so much with my own aesthetic is how their combined choreographed language froths and fulminates but never fully boils over. Like seduction, it's the gestures that are hinted at, the implied movements that hover, the lingering moments that matter most.
About 'Joe Sent Me', I've written: "For me, music is a response to the world, and the voice imbues the words with life and gives them breath. I'm especially interested in the idea of recording as an act of preservation of experience. To be a recording artist is - quite literally - to make a record of sounds, voices, words, and breaths. Every record I create, I plunge into the depths of life in all aspects of experience: sound, images, dreams. Music is a time capsule, capturing, distilling and preserving the essence of what it means to be alive. The role of poetry, of words and language, is to remind us."
The role of Dance is to embody and set into motion those truths that are locked inside of us. Like our imaginations, our bodies can move in many, often opposing, directions: they stretch, stir, stagger, surge; this can be expressed beautifully, forcefully, ironically, irrationally, improbably, impulsively.
In dance, as in life, once a movement is made, it makes its indelible impression in time, space, and in our minds. 'Joe Sent MDE' reminds us that our physical selves are wrapped up in our mental selves, and that each generation holds within it a unique capacity to convey its own set of beliefs, motivations, dreams, & fears, as well as those of the past that continue to cast their shadows on the theatre of our collective memory.
Joe Sent MDE website
Joe Sent Me-poetry
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
NYTimes slideshow on speakeasies & "Joe sent me" code words
Thursday, May 28, 2009
eye_present on 'black & white': mp3jackpot winner

by Vanessa Daou
pop, urban/R&B, jazz
eye_present says: Vitaminsexia, what a stupendous MP3. Vanessa Daou is soo cool. Everyone knows how famous Ms. Daou is. I saw her when she appeared with Jamiroquai. A free song from her new CD "Joe Sent Me" is really great. This song is a collage of slow-burning smoky jazz, hazy Delta Blues, radiant electronic pop, and sultry soul you hope you'd find in a lounge in Paris.
vitaminsexia on 'joe sent me'
Black and White
by Vanessa Daou
pop, urban/R&B, jazz
vitaminsexia says: Vanessa Daou's breathy whisper-singing is so perfectly suited to this sultry after-hours serenade. Joe Sent Me is her new album, in which she is backed by some super sophisticated acoustic jazz sounds with subtle and precise digital treatments that couldn't be more contemporary if they were made next week. Buy at iTunes Music Store.
GΞИT on 'Joe Sent Me'
Love, Words, Music
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Joe Sent MDE: after the show with The Mercer Dance Ensemble (M.D.E.)

With the Mercer Dance Ensemble (M.D.E.) after their absolutely stunning, scintillating performance of Joe Sent MDE... video footage of the performance on these pages coming soon...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Joe Sent M.D.E.: New York Times Calendar Events in New Jersey

kelseyatmccc.org (609) 570-3333
New York Times
Friday, May 08, 2009
VARIOUS ARTISTS: Moods: You, The Night, And The Music
Recommended if you like Vanessa Daou, Osunlade, Fat Freddy's Drop.
CD price: $12.97
CD Baby
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Invisibility cloak edges closer
Unlike previous such "cloaks", the new work does not employ metals, which introduce losses of light and result in imperfect cloaking. Because the approach can be scaled down further in size, researchers say this is a major step towards a cloak that would work for visible light." BBC
Monday, May 04, 2009
Just say that Joe sent you: The backroom aural sex of Vanessa Daou (Inside Entertainment, Canada)
Just say that Joe sent you The backroom aural sex of Vanessa Daou Electro-beat poetess Vanessa Daou made a name for herself back in 1995 with the release of her debut solo album Zipless. The jazztronic curio was a white hot fusion of sultry beats, cool jazz and the lovelorn eroticism of Erica Jong's poetry. On subsequent albums, Daou earns a reputation as a downtempo queen, whose seductive musical exotica could be affectionately dubbed "aural sex." Inspired in part by a backroom tour of New York's 21 Club (a one-time speakeasy during the Prohibition days), Daou's self-produced new album, Joe Sent Me, is a rediscovery of Prohibition-era jazz. The album draws upon the era's sound as well as the shady goings-on perpetuated by speakeasies and the underhanded dealings with the laws of both the land and the heart. "What strikes me the most about the Prohibition era," Daou told Inside E, "is how the music broke through racial, gender, legal and ethical barriers, and how it continued to cut its radical path through the '40's and '50's and into the '60's when Beat poets began to merge words with Jazz." On an album where grime and elegance rub shoulders, Daou fosters a musical space where her electro-grooves and acoustic set-ups coalesce. Daou's ghostly vocals billow and swirl like a thick, phosphorous dream; they don't so much inhabit the songs as haunt them, spilling over into sonic atmospherics. Proving she can still sway the masses on a dancefloor, Daou showcases her knack for serious beats. Replete with a horn section sounding from beyond the grave of some red-light district of yore, the track Black & White throbs like a palpitating heart, cellophane-wrapped in a punchy synth-glam sheen. It also sports one of the spikiest f*ck-off lines to ever grace a pop song. "Here's the pen you gave me to write my poetry; I said I'd give it back to you the day you stopped inspiring me." On Hurricanes (a track indebted to the avant-garde poetry of Anne Waldman), the cut-up phrasings of Daou's mosaic poem languidly plays catch-up with the percussive loop of a hand slapping the thigh. It's a album of jazz, for sure, but the aesthetic at work here is almost punk; sound and poetry are layered like graffiti. "What interested me," Daou explains, "was, in an inverse way, freeing poetry and language from music. This approach was inspired by my web meanderings where I would be listening online to spoken poetry in one window and music on YouTube in another. When I began to conceive the sound of Joe Sent Me, I was hearing a new kind of sonic landscape where the words merged with the music without being locked into it or too syncopated with the beat, the way an overheard conversation sounds when music is playing." Daou also tackles R&B, offering an alien twist to an often tired genre. Many of the songs depict love at a haunted crossroad where sex and death intersect, and Daou explores the anachronisms of desire, role-playing the aggressor in a relationship in which she has been victimized. The approach is always understated and a sense of mystery fills every space on the canvas. Joe Sent Me is an album shrouded in the blue haze of a back-alley nightclub where its lonely patrons rove the city nights in unrest.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Interview with Alvyn Haywood, host of "Jazz School" WWFM
Professor Haywood & those at WWFM are shaping an immensely innovative and important program, one that reaches out to Trenton & beyond in a broad-minded and all-inclusive way, a model for radio stations everywhere that seek to educate, influence & inspire their audience as well as entertain.
Stream it here!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Anji Bee: Chillcast #161: Sexy New Tunes
Sunday, April 26, 2009
'Heart of Wax': Conquering Venus Book Trailer
I'm deeply honored that Collin Kelley has chosen 'Heart of Wax', from my new album 'Joe Sent Me', to be the soundtrack to the trailer for his forthcoming novel Conquering Venus. About the novel, Gary Zebrun writes: "From Memphis to London and to Paris, Martin Paige seeks redemption after a terrible and violent loss. The wonder is that he still believes in love, even when it appears like an apparition in an elusive and conflicted young man. Collin Kelley takes you on a sometimes frolicsome, sometimes tragic tour of the heart in this engaging first novel."
Thank you, Collin, for the spark that you ignite with your words and the smoldering fire that continues its slow burn in our hearts.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Collin Kelley & the Charge of Poetry
"I want to drive away into the morning light,
headed for Spain, hurting like hell,
but with my head up
and the taste of him on my lips."
Collin Kelley, from 'Why I want to be Pam Grier'
We feel it as a jolt, a surge, as though we've received some invisible electrical charge: then, a window opens up, there's a flash of recognition, a recollection, a memory that had been dimmed, dulled or denied, then, a slow opening of the mind - a thought, emotion, sentiment, perception - our finger is on the pulse of something, an inkling, that we were, previously, unable to identify.
Whether spontaneous, structured, confessional, or historical, Poetry condenses meaning into tight, terse, tensile language: "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways"; one phrase engenders an endless stream of impressions, iterations, and interpretations. Poets might be whimsical, reclusive, oblique, or explicit, remembered as defiant or ignominious... Whatever the destiny or description, all Poets use words as they choose them: as tools, as weapons, seeking to exact revenge, some positing a particular vision of the world, others, a plea for redemption.
David Herrle writes: "Collin Kelley's social/political poems are never mixed to go down smoothly like, say, a Sea Breeze. They're Tanqueray served neat." Kelley achieves the sweepingness of love's paradoxical emotion in one phrase:
headed for Spain, hurting like hell"
and exquisite nuance in the next:
"but with my head up
and the taste of him on my lips."
The charge, the surge: Poetry.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Forbidden images: the charge of art, music & poetry...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Julie London: 'Cry Me A River' from 1955
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
'Joe Sent Me' Digital info: iTunes, Rhapsody...

IODA Distribution featured release
Vanessa Daou Bio
Joe Sent Me info
Vanessa Daou
from "Joe Sent Me" (Daou Records)