Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Welcome to the Daouhaus: A Conversation with Vanessa Daou, by Collin Kelley

Coming off the success of her latest album, Joe Sent Me, Twisted Records has just released a compilation called Daouhaus: The Classic Remixes. Seven of Tenaglia's reinventions are here, alongside deep grooves by David Morales, Olive and Mood II Swing. The album opens with the 1992, fourteen-minute opus that is "Surrender Yourself," which rocketed to the top of the Billboard Dance chart and heralded a new direction for club music, bringing it from the underground to the mainstream."
Read full interview by poet/novelist Collin Kelley at Soldout
Collin Kelley,
notes on things
Thursday, December 10, 2009
'Conquering Venus' by Collin Kelley

Collin Kelley,
reviews and reflections
Thursday, December 03, 2009
The 4th issue of Ouroboros Review

A highlight is Collin Kelley's engrossing interview with Cecilia Wolloch who discusses her life, influences, and her new work 'Carpathia' -
Each poem is an essential read. I'm loving Michelle McGrane's language-lovely poem 'Augusta Fabergé' [p44] & very much looking forward to her 3rd collection of poetry 'The Suitable Girl', published by Pindrop Press in 2010.
If you missed issue 3, take time to soak in every word of Michelle's interview with John Siddique. When you reach the part when he says "The Basic act of writing for me is an act of Love", pause, revel, reflect, read on...
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Etienne Daho: The Invitation
Etienne Daho is a voice drenched in the sensual, engulfed by a Poet's truth and fueled by Love's fire. 'L'invitation', his latest album, speaks to every heart that is drawn to the equally destructive and seductive flame of Desire.
With a profound understanding of Desire's manifold facets, Daho puts into words and sings about its many intangible flickers: pleasure and pain, power and surrender, a simultaneous loss and discovery of self, the beauty as well as the bruising of ones manifold illusions. Daho explores the many subtle angles and sharp edges of Eros - self-doubt, self-destruction, self-sacrifice - and invites us to join him on his journey of Love and Desire through his Music and Poetry. Do we dare follow...?
I've translated 'L'Invitation' below.....
The Invitation
Ah I burn I burn, your tentacles trapping me from the depths of Hell
giving me the cruel sensation of walking barefoot on glass.
The goodness of your hand, generous and perfect,
beckons me to come, giving me the sweet feeling
of being alive again, invited, invited.
At the table of the guests where one lives until one dies
from those things that satiate, you invite me to take my place
to divide the honey of the honors of your heart.
Willingly I accept the best treatment that is reserved exclusively
for the guests at the naked feast, which makes the tongues
of the evening come untied.
Oh now I burn I burn to taste all these dizzying nectars,
whose black and crimson poison make the blood of lovers beat indecently.
Your confident kiss calls me to another adored destiny,
giving me the sweet feeling of being alive again, invited, invited.
What can I do, I want to share the volatile liquors
at the table of poets, of assassins, all like me, invited here.
Willingly I accept the best treatment that is reserved exclusively
for the guests at the naked feast, which makes the tongues
of the evening come untied.
Ah je brûle je brûle, les tentacules m'attrapant du fond des enfers
me donnent la cruelle sensation de marcher pieds nus sur du verre.
La bonté de ta main généreuse et parfaite qui me fait signe d'avancer,
me donne l'aimable sensation d'être à la vie de nouveau convié, convié.
A la table des convives, convives
Qu'on vive jusqu'à ce que repu l'on en meurt.
Tu m'invites à prendre ma place à partager le miel des honneurs de ton coeur.
Volontiers j'accepte le meilleur traitement
Que l'on réserve tout exclusivement
Aux invités le festin nu, qui fait les langues au soir se délier, se délier yeah
Oh je brûle je brûle de goûter à présent à tous ces nectars affolants,
dont le poison noir et pourpre fait battre indécent le sang des amants.
Ton baiser confiant m'appelle à tout autre destin adoré,
me donne l'aimable sensation d'être à la vie de nouveau convié, convié.
Convié yeah
A qu'y puis à qu'y puis je, la liqueur volatile je veux toute la partager,
à la table des poètes, des assassins, tout comme moi ici conviés.
Volontiers j'accepte le meilleur traitement
Que l'on réserve tout exclusivement
Aux invités le festin nu, qui fait les langues au soir se délier, se délier yeah
yeah yeah yeah...
etienne daho,
music that moves me,
notes on things,
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